The Team

Netpipe is a group of technologists whose nationalities read like a flag of the United Nations. It started as a hobby for one of us who faced an all too common issue - having restrictions on what you can access on the internet. Being a group of expats it soon became clear this was a real problem for us all, and together we’ve been working on making Netpipe bigger and better, expanding our service all over the world.

We are growing rapidly. We’re thrilled to have a service that so many people love!
The team here believes in an Open Internet. Our is aim to be the most reliable, trustworthy, transparent service to help you access content when and where you want it.

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Netpipe is a browser plug-in service using web proxy technology to allow users to access web content privately and securely.
A browser plug-in is simply software that adds functionality to a Web browser (like Chrome, Firefox or Opera). They are typically from a third party (like us!) rather than the browser developer, and are also called “add-ons” or “extensions”.
What is a proxy server? It might sound complicated, but a proxy sever is quite simply another computer on the internet that acts as an intermediary between you and the server (or website) which you requested the information from.
Netpipe uses proxy servers located in numerous countries and provides you access to these servers in order to surf the web.